Your private details are only used for the operation of services you buy from us and not passed on to any other organisations.
Open Monday to Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm ACDT and ACST
Phone: 1300 20 88 20
Ask for accounts and specify you wish to discuss Financial Hardship
Fax: 1300 60 88 60
Addressed to Hardship Enquiries, TelcoEdge.
Postal: Hardship Enquiries, TelcoEdge, PO Box 434, Fullarton, SA 5063.
TelcoEdge Pty Ltd is committed to protecting your privacy.
We take extraordinary steps to ensure that your personal information is stored and processed in a very secure manner
We treat your private details as confidential information and will not without your prior written consent disclose such information to a third party except where required to do so by law.
All our employees, contractors and agents access our secure information on a need to know basis only, and have executed legally binding non-disclosure agreements.
TelcoEdge is committed to providing you with extraordinary customer service and in doing so we need to collect your private details such as phone numbers, email address, physical and postal addresses, financial details, your requirements and usage of our services.
We use this information to:
We strive to protect transmission of your personal information however data transmission over the Internet can never be guaranteed to be 100% secure hence any information you transmit to us or receive from us over the Internet is conducted at your own risk.
Phone, fax, SMS and email communications are strictly private and confidential in accordance with industry standards and regulations related to operating a public telecommunications network.
It is important that you maintain security of any usernames and passwords that we provide you with to access our services.
Definition of Financial Hardship
The Telecommunications Consumer Protection Code (TCP) defines financial hardship as a situation where:
a Customer is unable to discharge the financial obligations owed by the Customer under their Customer Contract or otherwise discharge the financial obligations owed by the Customer to a Supplier, due to illness, unemployment or other reasonable cause; and
the Customer believes that they are able to discharge those obligations if the relevant payment arrangements or other arrangements relating to the supply of Telecommunications Products by the Supplier to the Customer are changed.
A list of financial counselling services are available at
Financial hardship is a real and ongoing inability to pay bills, rather than an unwillingness to pay them.
Where you believe you have a genuine need and have contacted us about this, TelcoEdge will ask you to provide documentation supporting your financial situation and the circumstances that have led to this, and we will then evaluate your situation.
TelcoEdge may access other available information to assist with the evaluation.
TelcoEdge may ask you to provide further information such as your income, financial resources, expenses and budget to assist with confirmation of a situation.
An assessment will be made within 7 working days of receipt of all requested information and a repayment plan may be put forward to you.
TelcoEdge provides tools to limit use of your services such as maximum number of calls, faxes, SMS, or maximum amount of spend, and these tools may be used to help you with financial management.